
Can i sell the security bug of the university's wifi network to the presidency?
Will they suspect me if any further attack happens?
The bug is quite consoderable, it allows the attacker have the usernames and passwords whenever anyone connects to the network. (I have tried the method for myself and two of other students just to make sure)

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    Presidency being who? Ask if there's a bug bountry program
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    @pionell yes!
    Will they listen?
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    @R1100 what? that makes no sense? hahaha.

    He means to ask if the university has a program where they pay if someone can find network flaws.
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    @R1100 yup as in you understand, you will or there is?
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    @qwerty77asdf there is somewhere responsible for the network and other IT stuff
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    @DLMousey you said just what i was afraiding
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    Report it anonymously if they're the sort to be suspicious of you.
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    @d4ng3r0u5 how can i do that?
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    @DLMousey "can I sell" I was assuming he was wanting to be paid for the info
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    If there's a bug bounty program then go for it. If not, either keep it zipped or report it anonymously.
  • 4
    Selling it? No, and my personal experience is that teachers (being rather incompetent) don't really like to be criticized on their shit.. when I reported an issue in my school's network (with no financial incentive to speak of, just the desire to make the students a little bit more secure), they plotted against me to get me to drop out. Conventional teachers - the ones you find in schools - are some very vile creatures. Erroneous configurations can happen to the best of us, but somehow they see it as "you are incompetent" (which, granted, they are but that's not the point, it's more one of "I noticed this, please fix it"). So I'd suggest to sit on it. And hacking purely for the money, that's not what bug hunting is about. Money is a reward, not a reason itself. Or rather, the wrong reason.
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    @Condor thanks !
    I'll pretent like there is no bug at all
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