For those of you in a software career, did you get drug tested for you position? Was it before of after the first day you started working?

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    Asking for a friend?
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    @Rundle myself, I'm not ashamed. Coming from a legal state to texas. Curious as to why there was no pre employment drug test when my company takes state contracts
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    It mostly depends on the company .. My previous jobs in Rhode Island didn’t required drug test. However, my friend did in different company and it was after she started I guess.

    Ps: Texas ❤️
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    Mmm funny enough I did not get drug tested....and I work for the city.

    I am clean though so its all good.

    Don't do drugs kids, drink water.
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    Fortune 500 companies, medical companies, and companies in the defense contracting field or w.e. definitely require drug tests. Some startups do, some don't. Usually the drug tests happen a couple of weeks before you supposedly start, and some random drug tests here and there during.

    Really just depends on the company.
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    @AleCx04 what's your secret? How do you get up on that high horse
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    @shoogknight high horse? Homie I am all about legalizing pot(just pot though)

    I don't see where you get the high horse bs
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    @shoogknight I was just joking haha. I live in Canada, assuming it's the green stuff, its pretty much legal now and come October it will be legally legal 😜
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    My employer doesn't allow us to test drugs before 3pm :/
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    @Rundle Haha i got the joke. I'm 2 weeks into the job and stayed clean ever since I saw the job ad. But have not heard anything about a drug test or signed anything about them. I figured it being a state contractor there would definitely be one.
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    Never had a drug test, anywhere.

    [Un]amusingly, my current boss is a druggie, and is usually on "microdoses" of shrooms and lsd.
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