
When you spend more time restarting your IDE from crashes than developing, you know, it's time for a big life change.

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    vim... you're life has been changed for the better
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    I am a huge fan of Jetbrains products. With that said, I switched to Atom to lighten the memory requirements of my developer tools.
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    emacs only crashes when its upset.
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    try Atom or Sublime man.
    much faster load time and in case of crash, less painful restarting.
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    @spl0 And if you've upset Emacs, you probably deserve what you get.
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    This is what it's like developing on Xcode.
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    Love jetbrains, but they take like two minutes to start up on my dual core potato PC. Atom is pretty good and customizable as far as "sane" editors go. If you're brave you could try emacs or vim. Both require some dedication I think.
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