I am working on a project which I want to make open source. The problem is, I have never launched any open source project and I do not know any platform to reach people (I am not talking about hosting the project, I am talking about making people know, use and take part in the project). I believe this project will help a lot of people who works on IoT, chat services or distributed real time servers.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

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    @kingb I also think the same. But how to make them know?
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    You can share the project link here, we love this stuff
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    @ausername definitely I will. It is the best community of developers I know so far. The project is not launched yet. The code is almost ready, but I need to create the documents.
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    @shubhadeepb you should also write a small article about project and post it on dev.to, also there is a weekly topic that you can present your project in short, interested people will jump on that wagon pretty quick if they like it. dev.to is very friendly and non toxic community, so give it a try! =)
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    Maybe Github Pages for documentation and a well structured Readme.md for anyone who wants to contribute.
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    sourceforge.net maybe idk
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    Please add the link back to this exact post as well so we all get notified!
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    I will share the link in this post, as well as in a separate post. Thanks everyone for the support.
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