
Started reading this book completed 15 chapter in 21 chapter. Now reading co-routines. Wonderful book, lot of internal stuffs
PS: skipped chapter 4 text vs bytes.
Which book to read next ?

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    @mundo03 Chill out man.. he's only asked a question
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    @sak96 Depends on what you're into? Like security? :)
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    design pattern, security, something pratical-oriented. I just want to have some to-read list so that I can shuffle through the books because reading same book over a period of time you tend to feel boring and especially when you get too familiar with the writing style
    If you have already read some books and liked them please add them to the list other wise don't try to disposition your work stress/ client anger in comments you can write a rant instead
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    @TheItalianGuy i was joking, you chill the fuck up.
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    @sak96 You might like "Black Hat Python" then :) Really good book
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    Make some program. Just single reading is useless.
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    Long list incoming:

    UNIX and Linux system administration handbook

    Black hat python
    Grey hat python
    Automate the boring stuff with python
    K&R C
    Hacking: Art of Exploitation
    Code (by Charles petzolt)
    Beautiful code
    Practical malware analysis (the alien book)
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