
So in my last post I was angry that I didnt know many algorithms or how to make one, so you guys inspired me to learn about them and I found a course I'm gonna take about algorithms and such. I'm incorporating it into my learning schedule so let's hope this leads to me not being stupid.

  • 5
    An algorithm is a sequence of steps to complete a task. That's it. First represent this sequence of steps in an intuitive way: pen an paper help a lot.

    AFTER you have a good understanding of the steps is when you should code, starting with what is the kind of data you have to represent and how you can accomplish that with the programming language of choice.

    After you have the steps in natural language and the data in a programming language, code the steps in this programming language you've chosen.

    Just my two cents, good luck mate.
  • 4
    @lucaspar an algorithm to build algorithms? How meta...
  • 3
    Not knowing is not stupid, knowing that you do not know is the first step to knowing.

    Knowing you do not know and not caring about it is stupid.

    So you left stupid behind long ago :D

    Good luck on the journey to knowledge. :)
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