
Hm... Apparently I've been doing TDD all along... it's just that I don't save the tests in a seperate project.

I just keep editing Main() to test whatever i'm working on (each class).

Also the NJTransit site is sneaky as ****. It seems the devs know a bit about how to prevent site scraping by checking Headers and Client information...

Took all afternoon to get this test to pass....

it works in Chrome but not in my code... and even after I spoofed all the headers... including GZIP.... it wouldn't work for multiple requests...

I need to create a new WebClient for each request.... no idea how it knows the difference or why it cares... maybe it's a WebClient bug...

And this is only the test app. Originally was supposed to be built in React Native but that has it's own problems...

Books are too old, the examples don't work with the latest...

But I guess this also has a upside... learn TDD and React rather than just React... hopefully can finish this week...

I'm actually on vacation... yea... i still code like a work day... 10AM - 8PM....

  • 2
    Keep the tests around and they'll actually be good more than once.
  • 0
    Hmm... And actually it's not feasible....

    There actually is no underlying public way to get the data I need....
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