
So I got a 1.7 grand laptop for free a week ago.

Fuck me, the company I'm working at is the best.

Hp elitebook 840 g5, 16 gigs and auto -crypting ssd.
Corpo life is the best. Shame it's got windows on it and I can't get linux on it.

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    Yea, I was so happy as well. Truth, tho: you get used to it in like 5 minutes. In 10 minutes, you won't even register you got something extra.

    If I like the work, these things are amazing. If I hate the work, these things, like top-notch 3 monitors and a top-grade laptop, just make me feel bitter and resentful, as if they're trying to buy out all the bullshit with these useless things.

    Soooo... Bottom line: I just hope you'll like the work as well... :))
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    @DrPitLazarus I have no clue what that even is, but it looks funny.
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    @DrPitLazarus I see you're a man of culture as well...
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