
I've read so many stuff in english that it feels really weird to read something in my native language(german). Especially when they're using german words in their code:

public Nahrung mittagessen;
public Gast()
mittagessen = new Gericht("Wiener Schnitzel");

are you fucking kidding me?!

  • 3
    Been there.
    I was taking a look at clrs in my native lang, and I was like "what the fuck is this talking about??"
  • 3
    like when someone uses git in German and you have no idea what anything is
  • 0
    I always sort of just figured that code was universally in English, kind of how all commercial pilots have to speak it. I'm just going to chalk that one up to American ignorance.
  • 0
    that's a big problem at our school. this denglish (Deutsch-english) code drives everyone nuts. except the teacher. he loves it.
  • 1
    Same here, except the language is Spanish. I've always wondered how people learn to code without at least a basic understanding of English
  • 0
    I'm german too and go to university.
    Every lecturer i had used german words in his code and exercises, this is so annoying -.-
  • 0
    @Letmecode +1 for a righteous rant on its own merits, and I'd love to give you another, considering the Anglo/Franco history of the last thousand years-ish, for calling English the "lingua _franca_".

    Ha! Take THAT, you scoundrel Normans!
  • 0
    Same, I had this lecturer who wrote his code with Dutch variable names...
  • 0
    Stereotypes at it's best (makes me freakout too, german aswell)
  • 0
    I ment (code_examples += german) .. but german sometimes too
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