
Hey I am looking for a laptop that have both sata and m.2 slot with 1 grand budget, anybody knows?

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    I have an msi ge60 which has that (and I think that entire series does, not 100% sure though). They are gaming laptops however, so I don't know if that's what you want.
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    @LucaScorpion niiiice.. noted.. thanks a lot
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    let me know if you find one that has a displayport. but from what I can tell just about any new model with an Intel processor has m.2 and sata, atleast from my search from trying to find a damn amd one
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    @jckimble I've found dell 7559 beside msi that @LucaScorpion has been mentioned before. Dell 7559 also has both type of storage for approx. $800. The tax of my country elevates the price upto $1400. 😅 *sweating*
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