

People that walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk are among the biggest cunts on Earth.

  • 0
    How can there be a wrong side to a sidewalk???
  • 2
    @xewl In the states it's generally treated like the road. So you follow the same direction as traffic.

    Image attached to show you what I mean.

    Green outlines the sidewalk, and blue is the direction in which you should walk.
  • 4
    I also want to add people that line up in a row of 3 people and walk slow as fuck to the list. Don't take up over half the sidewalk if you're gonna walk like a turtle.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet Common sense I guess.

    Though, with us, we don't have that "rule", in that exact form.

    We do order of operations, for walking

    - if there's a walking path, use it, preferably the left side of the road if there is one, else the right one.
    - so if there's only one on the right, use that one.
    - if there's no walking path, apply the same order to the bike path, walk on the side, out of the way of bikers
    - if there's no bike path either; left side of the road, against traffic, so cars can see you.

    * If the group of walkers is 3 or more, don't walk on the left, skip the logic to the right side.
    * bikes can not sideline eachother either, if more than 2, so a max width of 2 bikers is allowed

    This doesn't include your rule, but I guess those paths are far wider than ours anyway.
  • 2
    @xewl There's no actual "rule" but it's common sense that when there's 100 people all close together going one way and you're the only one who is going the other way, you're being a huge cunt.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet That statement is true - though, I'm also always against the stream... but common sense tho... :P
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