I mostly can’t see properly on dark themes. Thank you light themes for existing. I use slightly dark themes for IDEs though (One Dark)

  • 1
    Its called "Glasses"
  • 5
    @DevForTheMoney That's not the only thing (but it is relevant). Many people behind "dark themes" don't realise that you don't have to be as dark as a dev's soul to be considered as "dark".

    The one mentioned by OP is indeed a great one because it's not overly bright nor dark!

    Long story short: When looking for an alternative colorsheme/theme, try as many as you can to find the one that suits you best.
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    All I know is that I have the same when I take out my lenses.

    + Was just trying to be a smartass about it
  • 1
    @knurek123 yes thank you!

    A dark theme is a theme where the background color is darker than the foreground!

    No only white on black
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