I finally did it. Finally had the energy to do... One axis for my CNC lol.
It works perfectly.
But the 28BYJ-48 are so slowwww.

- One Arduino Uno
- Two 28BYJ-48 with Uln2003A controllers (Y is already programmed)
- One joystick.
It's aliveeeee!

  • 2
    Inside the magic box
  • 0
    What stepper you guys recommend below €10?
  • 4
    @GyroGearloose Pololu steppers are incredible. Definitely recommend.

    They're the standard in a lot of 3d printers, etc. Durable, high quality, and a decent price (last I looked). I think even @Condor would approve of them.
  • 1
    @Root Just found out the A4988 drivers cause of you, thanks :D
    Already ordered 4 NEMAs 17 :D they look the same, more or less. but I bought a €6 week ones, the better ones go up to €20 ...
  • 2
    @GyroGearloose Yeah, the high-rated purple (black?) ones are definitely more pricey. Probably excessive for your project, though?

    Glad I could help 😊
  • 2
    @GyroGearloose dude that looks fuckin amazing. Do you have a video of it running?
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    Pololu steppers are EXPENSIVE.
    Go on aliexpress and buy 1 set of nema steppers, if i remember corectly they cost ~5$ per stepper.

    They work nicely, i have them in my cnc.
  • 2
    Damit you were asking for drivers not steppers!

    Aliexpress has A4988 for 0.5$ a piece. MUCH cheaper than polulu
  • 1
    @Root Well, I'll be making several CNCs, from small wood ones to big metal ones...
    I might even sell some then, to make some cash.
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    @kunashe Dude... you really, really don't want a video...
    The steppers are so slow that I had to draw a line and stick my eyes in it to watch it moving...
    Until I get good motors it's more of an idea than a product...
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    @Gregozor2121 I got my A4988's from AliExpress lol. And I did ment steppers, but I'll take any information I get.
    Dude, if you find that price again please send the link, the cheapest ones I saw with enough power was €6 each...
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    What do you guys recommend for me to send g-code to the CNC? Since I'm using two ULN2003A as drivers and 2 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motors.
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    @Gregozor2121 You can of course find super cheap versions of everything. Just be sure to compare their quality. Especially if they're 1/12th the price!
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    Y is almost done.... almost
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    Use nema 17. If you need more poverful motors, your axis arent good enough.
  • 1
    @Gregozor2121 Already ordered... should be arrived but were returned to China. now I have to wait one more month...
    Looking for old printers in my neighborhood, already have one :D
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