
One thing that I'm not that big a fan of in Kubuntu is how I can't just scale one of my screens. I need to scale my 4k monitor to 1.5 the size otherwise it will all be too small. However my 1080p monitor also gets scaled, which is really doesn't since it makes everything wayy too big.

However, when I use display scaling my apps actually fucking scale. Meanwhile on fucking Windows they haven't figured that out yet

Bigger image: https://imgur.com/a/3qBo31o

  • 4
    Windows has scaling aswell. And I think they also have it per display. Not global
  • 2
    @sigfried Yes and that's the good thing about Windows. But I'd rather my shit actually scaled
  • 2
    @sigfried they kind of do. But there are huge issues when you start certain apps on one screen then drag them to the other if your resolutions are different.
  • 0
    Thank you for new wallpaper kind sir!
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