
Any indonesian here ? i've seen other have meet up with other devranters, maybe we can arrange one ?

  • 2
    I was going to tag you ,to help a fellow ranter 😂
  • 2
    @ceee do you remember my girl is also here? maybe you can tag here 😂
  • 1
    @wowotek yeh ! Ofcourse I remember 😬 I forgot the spelling of her username and addressing her as your girlfriend might sound sexist 😅 so I didn't.
  • 1
    hai saya dari indo juga 😄 tapi cuma anak kuliahan yg belom jago hahaha
  • 0
    @noobi gua juga kuliahan hehehe sans. tinggal dimana ? keknya seru ya meetup gitu
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    @wowotek saya di malang 😂 terpencil. tapi sesuai dengan usernamenya saya masih noobi wkwkkwkw
  • 0
    @noobi wah malang ya, gua di salatiga hehehe. engga lah. coding mah cepet jagonya
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