I apparently hate myself and have volunteered to help an author I enjoy design his website to be more mobile friendly. Convertri sucks ass, if anyone is wondering. Their mobile "converter" is shit, and does NOT make things pretty, at all. No matter what size or resolution we use (because he's trying to learn) loads like we're back on AOL.

Other than switching sites, any suggestions? Our issue is legitimately only with getting the background image to work on desktop and mobile.

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    There's a long-running bug in chrome browsers and fixed background images where when you scroll down (and resize the viewport; the url bar disappears) the background will have missing pixels for a bit until a reinflation is triggered again.

    If you do enough research I'm sure you could come up with a solution. I have never looked into it myself. My first step would to be to look at how to force a remeasure (Like you do with animations on hidden elements; <element>.offsetWidth.) Perhaps put that on the body and listen for scroll events.

    I'm doing a lot of assuming here. But in general, you cannot take a desktop site and just convert it to mobile. Mobile design needs to be integrated from the start, and maybe that's the true root of your troubles here.
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    @AlgoRythm That's what I was thinking, but they're so locked down, it's not even funny. We just took the gross option and went 1/2 the original size LOL
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    @QueenMorgana That's similar to my solution, which is just to cover the background image with plenty of content.
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