
Is there any good IRC channels out there?

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    Depends on what you're looking for really. There's some welcoming channels out there like #raspberrypi, but also very toxic ones like #wireless and #aircrack-ng. Personally I'd like to suggest ##freeosc 🙂
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    @Linux yep! It's the biggest network by far. There's also OFTC but I never have been all that interested in it, except for a little bit of support where the IRC channel of this or that project was over there. And then there's AnonOps for those Onionimous kiddies but since Anonymous as a force to be reckoned with has died, it's just been filled to the brim with hekurboi kids. And I'm not too fond of their management either, disabling CTCP and giving everyone these Onionimous vhosts (that give a false sense of anonymity, and can still be unveiled by the IRC operators) instead of enforcing proper anonymization and client configuration.

    So yeah, freenode is at least in my opinion the rightful leader in IRC. And all of the aforementioned channels are from there 🙂 but usually it's just a matter of what topic you're interested in. Linux would be #linux, programming would be #programming, PowerShell would be #powershell (I kind of prefer that channel over #windows because the people in #windows are such elitist bastards without even some decent goddamn skills) and so forth. Otherwise I think you can ask which channels handle this or that topic in #freenode, that's where all the IRC operators are. They're usually quite friendly.
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    I am looking for a good one too
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