The best kinds of comments:

Gets user CC info datas.
public Object getUserCCInfoDatas() {}

If you really want to outdo yourself:

Gets user CC info datas.
@param someshit Outdated docs ftw
public Object getUserCCInfoDatas(String unrelatedToDocAbove) {}

Honestly, no documentation is better in some cases. At least I can't be angry about their shitty quality... And they don't waste my time.

  • 0
    @njpugh90 Is that what this is?

    Kill it with fire. I don't know who thought putting spaces between the method name and capitalizing the first word would help anyone. Sure, it may be a placeholder, but either the coder will document, or they'll leave that shit there that does nothing but suck ass. It'd be better with no documentation at all...
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