*2 days ago in a meeting*
Boss: "We need you to develop this, this .... *adds 10 tasks in Trello*

*1 day ago. less than 24 hours*
Boss: "So , what's new regarding the tasks?"
ME (angry): "You just gave me all those tasks less than 24 hours ago. What kind of news do you expect?"

*Boss leaving to his desk, laughing from embarrassment.*

  • 5
    At least he left and laughed - that's a good reaction to have! I know managers that would have instead replied to you by saying:

    "I expect it DONE. NOW. I gave you a few f***king simple tasks that you're paid to do, what have you been doing the last few hours?!"
  • 4
    @AlmondSauce Well, I have told him my stories for 2 former Bosses that have said to me this and I gave my resignation the following week.
    So he knows that I don't give a fuck if he fires me.

    Yes, I love the company I am currently working, and the work environment is very friendly, even the boss (but everyone has these dumb moments), but I will not let myself to be "abused" by my boss. Even if it means to return in my Homeland when I will not be payed as much as I am being paid here in USA.
  • 4
    I don't know the job market in the US, but here in Europe, if I quit today, I'll have a job within a week. Will it be a dream job? Probably not. But will it be a passable one? Definitely.
  • 0
    @aldoblack Absolutely. I'd walk away from a boss that took that attitude as well (I'm fortunate enough not to have encountered one quite that bad yet, but I know people who have.)
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