
I have so much shit I want/need to learn. I've started learning C while picking JavaScript back up, I'm learning basic electronics but I have a lot planned for that. Not even related but I want to fucking Cook, yeah i said it i wanna cook but why does that make me feel like i should just stop and go back to programming. Idk I just spill shit in these rants. Also wanna learn to speak another langauge but can't find the time, and I have college and dude I'm trying and trying and I need someone to appreciate something I do before I flip or before C destroys my entire being from being the weirdest yet interesting yet fucking brain melting. And fuck JS I Love it but sometimes it's a twat let's be honest

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    Build a robot that cooks french cuisine. You have to translate the recipes from french. Then build a web server to create an interface to select what to cook. It's only ridiculously hard.

    French Cooking
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    Hey... You look just like me, that could be my post a few months ago .
    I'm learning web stuff right now, a few months ago learned the basics of python, started with eletrónics a few months ago and have a few projects done, learning Russian (only a few words so far), and when I cook I like to invent and do something different...
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    @GyroGearloose I'd say twinning but I'm losing 😂
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    @Ximidar G E N I U S. Why couldnt I think of that
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