
I keep seeing a bunch of posts about WhatsApp or Signal or (insert messaging app here). Does anyone here use Keybase?


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    Hmmmmmm, that would be a good Slack alternative. Can you self-host that too?
  • 0
    I’m not sure if they have a self hosted version of the tool, but they might open it up if enough people ask for a self hosted version.
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    /me uses keybase
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    Does keybase still require an uploaded keypair, or can I use my smartcard? You've got to be wary of stuff like this. Signal also abstracts the encryption to unnecessary levels where I dont have ultimate control over it.
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    Keybase.io/finlaydag33k :)

    I rarely use PGP in purpose tho, because nobody else does :c
  • 2
    @tokumei Explain that control part? The algorithm is fully open source so I don't really get what you mean.
  • 1
    And yes, I do NOT use WhatsApp but signal and Keybase all the way!
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    I do... https://keybase.io/phreakyphoenix
    Some of my friends are on it too. It's pretty beginner friendly. But if you just want a regular chat app with encryption, I would not recommend it. Signal or even telegram is good in those terms.
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    @phreakyphoenix Just don't use telegram if you want good encryption :)
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    @linuxxx Last time I used keybase app, you had to upload a private key to the server to be able to use decrypt or sign, and probably chat though I never used it. Decided that was a hard pass.

    With Signal, either I haven't found a way to use a TPM/smartcard or there isn't a way to, meaning the key is ultimately in the hands of the program, not the user.
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    @tokumei I'm not too technical on that part too badly, @PerfectAsshole help me out here :)
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    @tokumei @linuxxx it's possible to upload a public key but it's a very convoluted process. You need the private key to be a stub (like usb key) and you have to use the cli to upload it. So unless you have a real reason to use it or just want to do it it's not worth it in most cases
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    @tokumei @perfectasshole super bump, but yeah you can totally use keybase with a smartcard pgp key (in fact pgp is a lot less needed than it used to be), as well as upload just the public side of the key and not have them do your key management.
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