I must assume that whoever designed jinja2 was either on crack, or hadn’t used template systems before. This thing is too fucking complicated, and doesn’t make sense. From their docs:

“Jinja2 supports dynamic inheritance and does not distinguish between parent and child template as long as no extends tag is visited. While this leads to the surprising behavior that everything before the first extends tag including whitespace is printed out instead of being ignored, it can be used for a neat trick.”

My response: “I don’t give a fuck!! I need this fucking website to be fucking done already! I pass data into a fucking template engine, and the engine applies my fucking markdown!! This is bullshit!! Why am I still trying to understand your fucking nonsense?!? AGGJCDJVFD&@!?&@$?)@&!SHHHVBSHK!!!!!!”
*desk flip*

Fuck you to hell you jinja fucker

  • 0
    @irene invoking blocks is the same syntax as defining a block.
  • 0
    @irene I’m already using extends. How does one invoke a block 3 times with different data? Use case is a variable length list.
  • 1
    Nothing in jinja makes sense. The simplicity of python is ruined after passing data to it. Makes me see how beautiful blade is in contrast.
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