
My colleague produces this code and is completely happy with it .... !!!
Its 2018 FFS!!!

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    That looks ripe for injection. I hope that data is sanitized.
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    @duckWit that data is coming straight from a REST-endpoint with nothing in between...

    Parameterized queries anyone?
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    That's stupid.

    What's up with your color theme though?
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    Of fuck no! Kill it with Fire! Do it now! This should be legitimate to fire anyone.
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    @pullervo repeat offenders, I agree. Otherwise be hard on the problem and easy on the people. Teach and instruct before termination. My two cents, anyway.
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    @duckWit wise words. Totally agreed
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    your colleague is making python look bad. very bad.

    I'd throw a pylint + mypy combo at him/her
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    @karelian agreed. However code style is the *least* of his problems
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    I have never used raw sql in code. Can someone tell me what is wrong with this?
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    Just.. If you're going to f*** your co worker in the ass at least have the courtesy of giving him a reach-around.

    Also, this code isn't using a condom
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    @vishal-vp I'll just leave this here: https://xkcd.com/327/
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    "That's the worst JavaScript I've ever seen!" ~ 2nd Year Grad, Full Stack of Issues
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