
Any senior dev who get less paid in terms of his juniors or am I the only one?

If anyone who is in same shoes like me please suggest how to cope with the feeling of unrest and feel less miserable.

  • 3
    Ask for a raise or look for another job.
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    @FuzzyMyztiq already have rise. But I started my career from small town and they start in city. So they have nice saley in start of career.

    as rise depends on previous salary I get less paid.
  • 4

    Ask for a bigger raise.

    If you provide more value than the Junior Dev (which you should as a Senior) to the company then that should be reflected in your salary.
  • 1
    @OPM46 If you know that a junior dev makes less than you and you do more, you have all the rights to ask for more.

    Otherwise look for other opportunities
  • 2
    Basically yeah. Previous comments get to the point well.

    Ask for a raise and look for another job. It you must keep this one, do so for the experience and then just get out.
  • 1
    @notlikethis thanks. That's really motivated me.
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