Fuck Captcha. Seriously. Am I blind to that shit or are you supposed to fail entering that goddamn letter soup like 5 times before getting it right? Of course you have to re-enter your form fields every time you fail because you don't deserve better, you illiterate fuck.

  • 2
    Every time I have to do a captcha with the random letter/number combo it makes me second-guess my never having been found to have a reading disability.
  • 2
    @AmyShackles lmao, exactly. Have you tried LISTENING to a Captcha? I was desperate and curious enough to try it once. It's like the devil is whispering secret messages into your ear while you're in the busiest cafeteria ever. Unbelievably enough much harder than the text version and equally psychologically damaging.
  • 1
    @ihatecomputers Right?! I used to listen to audio and transcribe it *for a living* - for years! And I *still* couldn’t make out what the audio recording was. So I just have the debate at every captcha like “Do I really care enough to perform this action n! times?”
  • 0
    @AmyShackles Yikes, I guess that proves it...
  • 0
    Letter and number captchas are designed so it is easy for ML to guess but hard for humans.

    I mean you are much more likely to be scammed and spammed by humans than by a ML bot instance.
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