
3 nights and no sleep !
I'm dying!

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    Try to take some rest. It Is dangerous to be awake so many days in a row!
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    Are you quiting sleep? Hmm.. Good point. Think of all the extra time you now have!

    All rightt, any tips for someone who'd also like to quit? 😁
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    Well i would like to sleep and i have time for that.
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    @R1100 Mention..... aaaand nevermind 😶
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    @linuxxx sorry it was a misunderstanding
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    @R1100 All good ;P
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    So you have sleep cycle problems, not some insane crunch. I was about to ask how you can do anything productive in that state.

    I guess good advice is gold here, you tried the usual stuff? Meditation, conciuously breathing, Drugs?
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    @BurnoutDV meditation is what worked for me after years of insomnia. It’s great. But it needs to be practiced regularly, and taken seriously. Otherwise it won’t help of course.
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    @BurnoutDV actually this insomnia is because of coffee.
    Each day i drink coffee/tea i have problem at night.
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    Stop drinking lot's of coffee then . Actually,your right, coffee helps you keep awake. The caffine in it helps you stay awake.
    Avoid Coffee and have a good night's sleep
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    @Bhavna I'll do :)
    Just to stay alive !
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    @R1100 been up 2 nights and three days coding..

    No insomnia, just addicted to this thing im building

    Plus, drugs
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    @R1100 and that works? I build up a caffeine resistance to the point that it won't do much, and even when I was young, I had to drink quadratic increasing amounts of energy drinks to stay awake after two days
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    @BurnoutDV it really works on me .
    Just 3 mugs of tea did this
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