
Does anyone here use the so called "Programmers Fonts"? If so, does it help? Also, is there any that anyone can recommend?

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    If you don't have problems with your current font, keep it.
    I like terminus. No confusion between 1 and l and I (haha) and the likes. Looks beautiful. Installable in one command with apt-get.
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    For my Terminal emulator I like `Inconsolatas` but for code in my IDE? got to go with `Operator Pro Mono`. Got some sexy ligatures. But it's sold (yes to be used as a font in your IDE, not public) for $100.

    But there's no way someone could created a torrent for a .ttf/.woff file. It's totally not available if you google it. For free. Yeah definitly doesn't work. pretty sure.
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    @Gauthier terrible logic there. Please refer to human history.
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    @rozzzly I had a look at operator, if I'm not mistaken it's priced at 200$ 😳

    But from personal experience, are these fonts any better than the fonts we already use? In terms of eye strains etc.
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    I recently started using fira-code, and so far it's been pretty good. Has some good programming ligatures, which took some getting used to but now I'm quite happy with them.
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    @Gauthier well I personally do have a problem when working hours on a project. I usually give my eyes and mind a 5 minute rest after every 30 to 45 minutes. However I am curious if such fonts actually do you any good or not hahaha

    In terms of your comparison, I'm not sure what my current font is.. but I don't think I have ever faced a problem with I and Ls haha, but readability sometimes does give me problems
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    @saDammie-Jr never heard of it, will give it a try. Thanks :D
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    source code pro & deja vu sans mono are both nice imo.
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    Menlo is my favorite
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    Fira Code, Monoid and Roboto Mono are my favorites, but my default font is Fira Code.
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    has nobody tried Mononoki? i love it. I also use a very unpopular font called Ahamono. It used to be free.
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    I think I'm the only one who's still stuck with "Consolas".. lol
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    Consolas is my code don't. No regrets whatsoever.
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    Comic Sans surely! You'll write every line with a smile from then on.
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    Fira Code - master class 😎
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    Open-source: Inconsolata, Droid Sans Mono

    Proprietary: Menlo, Consolas
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    Source Code Pro ftw
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