Bumped into my crush twice today,
nothing could have boosted my productivity more.

  • 6

    I never told you this....
    But I love you
    r comments. 🤔🤗
  • 6
    Lots of love going around here
  • 15
    Reminds me the time in high school during P.E. when the girl's group would run past our pitch and suddenly everybody's stamina got restored magically :D
  • 2
    @irene Do you notice your fellow programmers intensifying when you're around?
  • 6
    @ananaszjoe It's called testosterone hahaha
  • 11
    @irene I just assumed your gender ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 6
    still better love story than twilight
  • 2
    imagine the boost when she's ur partner 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • 5
    I tried to talk with her a few times. She is a wonderful person and talks with me.
    But, it is always me the one starting the conversation.

    I don't know anymore if I should just take the step and express my feelings or keep away from annoying her.

    It's easier to read an unreadable code than read her.

    Maybe I am just expecting too much from a nice person.
  • 2
    @FooBarNaut why don't u perhaps hang out with her a bit? see if u see a future with her, and if u do, then express feelings? maybe she just doesn't know u well enough or hasn't thought of u as a partner?

    then again, it is true that she might just not b interested, in which case, u both have to move on (more u, actually) 🤔
  • 3
    Thanks, I guess that's what I need to do.
  • 2
    @FooBarNaut yep, try to muster up some courage... it will definitely help 🙂
    good luck 😎
  • 2
    damn, just killed the magic here.

    I feel like i felt when i found out santa isn't real.
  • 2
    In my heart, you will always be a female human!
    it's still real if i believe it hard enough!
  • 1
    @ananaszjoe pp is move stamina so, well...
  • 2
    @irene you're still in my cools list even if your can't be described with binary
  • 1
    @Electrux and I hate the f**king last fact because it's so true and I learned it in the hard way
  • 0
    @melezorus34 well, i guess at least u learnt it 😁😅
  • 1
    @Electrux Sadly, I did. I am still in between the choices to celebrate her bday or not.
  • 0
    @melezorus34 if u have come at peace with the past and u r friend, celebrate, otherwise pass 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 1
    @Electrux I wanna be frens, I have even thought of a gift that is simple yet beautiful (like material design ;))

    My mind is boogled up because of dem exams
  • 0
    @melezorus34 haha 😂
    just be wary of the consequences.
    listen to ur heart, but don't forget to listen to ur mind too! u'll b just fine 😉
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