
Dear Python linters, why can't any of you implement some actual linting features? Like, say, consistent use of single or double quotes? Or dict() vs {}? How about indenting nested function calls? Forcing list / set / dict literals as multiline? Trailing commas?

And while I'm at it, why can't you handle dependencies properly? Say, separating linter & linter plugins from the remaining dependencies in a way where I don't have to manually remove them from the requirements lockfile every time?

  • 1
    On one hand you want a simple, rule free scripting lanuage..
    ..but on the other hand you want to lint that shit?
  • 2
    I just don't want to have 35633673 different code styles in one project, is that too much to ask?
  • 0
    >rule free

    What universe are you living in? Python's white space awareness makes it one of the least free languages out there.
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