Why can’t Windows search handle simple maths, Spotlight on macOS can.

  • 4
    The real question is who the fuck uses windows search? lol

    I'll be the first to defend Windows but that shit is atrocious. I also hope for the future that we can replace Cortana with the Google Assistant or something other than that piece of garbage.
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    I mainly use it to open applications, anything beyond that and it’s complete shite.
  • 2
    @err-occured I hid the search box down to the Cortana icon and I'm currently debating just hiding that too lol
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    @Stuxnet I’ve disabled & hid cortana altogether including the search bar, there is no need to have a 1/5 the screen taken up by useless crap, I have enough icons on there altogether
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    @err-occured That's where we're different lol. My home screen has like 4 icons and a shortcut to a folder.

    My toolbar has 5 icons.
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    Perhaps because it's a search and not a-tool-that-tries-to-do-everything-but-poorly (a.k.a. Spotlight)
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    Spotlights search is far superior to windows search, I’m not saying that because I’m a fanboy of apple, I happen to use both on a bi-daily basis and spotlight is so much slicker in terms of search.

    It’s a bit of a shame that Microsoft misses the mark so much on this one. Search has never been Microsoft strong point
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    I mean it's not even a good working search... sometimes a more precise search word shows the wrong result whereas the same word with less characters matches perfectly
  • 5
    The proper way of doing simple math is using the incredible computational power of Wolfram Alpha... Anything else is for losers
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    I still remember when all functions in wolfram were for free...
  • 1

    The powerful bit is that you can expand the workout :) thanks symbolic language
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