
Wow our network is so safe, our network is so secure, our network is so non exploitable that our devs can't downloade packages in VS, our company only have two IT dudes who can fix that issue and they're non existing. Wow..

  • 1
    vpn your way to freedom?
  • 3
    My work is upgrading to vs2017 and it's taken a week to get it activated on ONE MACHINE. They said they sent this guy an email, he says they didn't, they set up a session to remote in and... SEARCH FOR THE FUCKING EMAIL THEY DIDN'T SEND. They say to log in to some ms account, after 2 days of arguing about whether he has the password for it, they find they haven't created it. Then they create the account, tell him to log in and get the key. There's no key. On a hunch, he tries putting the new credentials into VS and it works.

    I don't understand how a software company has so much trouble with software...
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