ffffffukcc you eclipse you god damn old piece of slow fuck, so many missing features after transitioning from intellij to eclipse, i want to fkig code in intellij but college forces us to use the god damn eclipse

  • 2
    Burn it with fire, and your teacher.
  • 0
    How can they force you?
  • 0
    @sSam well at college we only have eclipse to work on and nothing else. they said we can use whatever we want but if we use anything other than eclipse and we run into a problem they are not going to help. they also force us to use svn with eclipse. i have no clue how svn is used with intellij and i dont have time to experiment with it in intellij
  • 2
    I 'forced' my college to use IntelliJ and now a two whole courses switched to IntelliJ. Not joking!!
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