Been really bored with programming-as-a-hobby lately, so I decided to give that a break and switch to physics for a while.

Man I've forgotten so much, time to revisit the Feynman Lectures books.

  • 2
    Similar, I had to re-learn electricity basics when I started tinkering with raspberry :D
  • 1
    @M1sf3t I'm trying to design new circuitry so knowing the basics is a must for me, at least
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    @M1sf3t lol there's nothing special about my liking for physics, nor am I especially good at it.

    You know how sometimes a bit of code or an algorithm or a technique or something just totally blows your mind? Physics is like that too, especially when explained by someone like Feynman. So are other subjects (economics, design, biology, you name it). I just sometimes like to switch away for a while and find interesting stuff.

    I mean programming and all that are great, but there's a lot of stuff out there to explore.
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    "Physics is very similar to coding", said no man ever.
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