i fkig hate those medium.com fkig articles that explain something as "put int i = 1; thats it bye"

fggzhdjriririeieiei u urhfjxkdiieofkvkfkrkrndndjdjdiivkvkrnrbfhfjfkdjkene d dbeijfj n nvkfkrkfkmfmvm fifidk

  • 2
    There are good ones, too. But you gotta dig deep to find them.
  • 1
    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- im half depressed
  • 0
    @SukMikeHok so are most people. You are not alone.
  • 0
    It's gotten to the point where I skip over search engine results from medium because I rarely find a useful article there.
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    Medium has given everyone the opportunity to be self-important. They just recycle stuff from SO or some motivational trainer and market it as their own with zero added value.
  • 0
    Today i found a good article on medium, and it was written in Chinese, just had to translate it and the found the solution, so yeah there are good articles there..
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    @Hubot-0x58 I dont trust anything outside of the official docs or library source code for learning new things, I even ignore Tutorialspoint articles for some reason that I've forgotten about (maybe since some tutorials only give "just the basics," incomplete information)
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    @Hubot-0x58 StackOverflow is certainly also good for very specific problems, like if I'm searching for a specific error message
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    @Hubot-0x58 I would absolutely make sure that it is labeled as "official" wherever it gets published. If you can, publish on a site that you own, that helps readers quickly recognize that it is a firsthand source.
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