I was thinking to read some books on algorithm and mathematics required in programming, especially for CP. After some searching I got across some books that are considered great in the field. Among the books, 'Introduction to Programming by CLRS', 'Algorithms Design Manual by Steven Skiena', 'Concrete Mathematics by Donald E. Knuth' and 'The Art of Programming by Donald E. Knuth', in which order should I read them? I've already started reading CLRS as it would be required in my college course too.

  • 4
    I'd start with the Algorithms Design Manual. Nice bedtime reading.

    Knuth's stuff is great, but it's generally not what you'd call... light!
  • 1
    I have a long list of books and paper concerning algorithms I would like to read and understand. But I guess 1 life wouldn't be enough for all these books since my list won't stop growing. 😅
  • 1
    I read parts of CLRS and I recommend it, especially if you are a beginner. No idea about design manual. And I don't think Knuth's books are for us mortals, they are the kind of textbooks that masters and phd students follow or in my case, form an entry in the bucket list :)
  • 2
    The Algorithm Design Manual was recommended by, like, every source I could find that gave referrals for learning algorithms.

    A small group of us at Lambda School formed a book group to go over it to motivate each other to make progress. (But I’m working on two other books (Think Like A Programmer - which I’d totally recommend to anybody who felt like they were good at debugging and contributing to established code bases but felt like they were floundering when it came to code challenges - and Computer Science Distilled) concurrently and haven’t started yet).

    Also, apologies. I have apparently fallen into parenthetical habits of old.
  • 0
    @AmyShackles Nested parameters in English sentences?! What is this madness!
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