Why does MySQL call databases schemes? Makes absolutely no sense.

Schema is the metadata around your tables or documents. What is Json Schema? Metadata around a json object.

MySQL, databases contain data. Schemes do not! Bad DB technology. Bad...

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    Mysql unlike other database servers doesn’t make a distinction between Schema and Database.

    For mysql they are one in the same thing. Not a design issue, just a lack of distinction.

    Other enterprise database servers (oracle... for example) make a distinction between database and schema but at the end of the day, it’s still the same thing, a collection of meta, which contains data.

    So I mysql you could argue the meta - or schema is are the table structures holding the data.
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    @gintko @C0D4 I honestly don’t think MySQL knew the difference. And they stuck with it. Although their term is wrong. It is a great system.

    Schema - a diagram, plan, or scheme. A pattern or structure.

    By definition, it doesn’t seem to elude data.

    Tl;dr As a programmer, I make a big deal about separating your schema and data. No hard-coded magic strings (thank you uncle bob / clean coding) in classes! (Unless it makes sense or you haven’t refactored yet)
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