
What the...
Please add more lines. I'm sure I can read this on the fly...
This is outside of the piano spectrum. What the fk
(Yes, bass key)

  • 4
    That's some thicc bass right there
  • 1
    @irene the thing changes the amount of modefiers like 3-4 times...
  • 0
    Yeah, ledger lines suck. 8vb exists for a reason!
  • 0
    Is this originally for harpsichord? Was it written before 1856? (Probably the wrong year but some pianos were build with an extra octave a long time ago)
  • 0
    @kenogo 😆 true
  • 0
    @halfflat yea that's what I'm thinking. It was probably a piece written for church organ or something.
  • 1
    Why hasn't anybody made an overflow error joke?
  • 0
    It's "Once upon a december" from Disneys Anastasia.

    And yes, my piano doesn't go that low. Was pretty suprised. Maybe if I use the transpose function I could get there...
  • 5
    One simple trick when you have such large gaps: in 95% of the cases its just an octave. So when in doubt / in a hurry because you need to sightread that sucker just read the upper note and assume its an octave.

    Also it might be written for a boesendorfer with 96 keys because they go lower but thats just an assumption
  • 1
    @musician my go to srat sometimes cause I'm not that good at reading chords on the fly, when in doubt play octave or the two notes I'm sure about...
    Yeah I suck and sort of cheat my way through this
  • 1
    @hasu trust me. Everybody does that. Even at professional level ;)
  • 1
    @musician thanks ^^
  • 0
    @musician are you professional?
  • 1
    @hasu yeah. Although more in the studio these days I still need to sight read quite a lot. And as you said. Its much better to fake your way through it than trying to hit every note and fail.
  • 1
    @musician cooool. What instruments do you play?
    I did an internship thingy at a studio once back at school times. We got to record a piece I wrote on their grand piano. One of the best memories in my life. It was amazing.
  • 2
    @hasu nice!
    started with the piano and then studied bass.
    Also a bit guitar and double bass.
    It's a great job but also very hard. I doubt i could make a living without my studio and some teaching.

    It's fascinating how many devs also are musicians
  • 1
    @musician thats nice. yes. Several of my dev friends picked up an instrument right after getting their bachelors through. It's a thing here for some reason.
    Or we just really wanted some distraction.
  • 2
    @musician Wow, cool! I play flute and I pretend that I play piano. I had tried to be a professional, but I had to change because of finances a long time ago.

    I still have a keyboard and my flute, but I almost never touch them.
  • 1
    @brunofontes hey I've just started learning the flute and play a bit piano ^^ I'll probably get a flute for christmas :3
  • 1
    @hasu wow! That's awesome! There are a lot of flute duets that are so fun to play!

    Another kind of music that is fun to play with the flute is the "chorinho". I don't like to hear it, but it is fun to play.

    Example: https://youtu.be/5HfK77ThBWw

    (It's not me playing. I just tried to find the first chorinho video)
  • 1
    @musician ++ for a fellow bassist
  • 1
    Must be a C# *badum tish*
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