Testers in my team have been told like 1000 times to follow the style guides that we all follow. That's not that big a deal. The big deal is that they were put on this project without having any mathematics background when the project is all about geometric stuff. So after me as a developer having to put so many hours to explain to them why the tests are not covering the requirements or why the tests are red because they are initializing the data completely wrong, I ask them pretty please to do the checks for the coding style and I have already been 4 hours reviewing code because not only I have to go through the maths and really obscure testing code to ensure that the tests are correct, but every line I have to write at least 4 or 5 style corrections. And some are not even about the code being clean, but about using wrong namespaces or not sticking to the internal data types. For fuck shake, this is embedded software and has to obey to certain security standards...

  • 0
    Am I reading correctly, that not you and your fellow devs write the tests, but dedicated testers? o.O
  • 2
    @chromdioxyde we write unit tests, but there are module tests and simulation tests and those are done not only by other people, but by other company! This is autonomous driving... They really need to make sure everything is fine before the cars rebel against us and kill half the population...
  • 1
    @tattvamasi makes sense now, I'm not a fan of any kind of automaton uprising either :D
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