
I'm fairly sure that even if I were to run Windows 10 on a machine with double ECC, it'd still BSOD because of poor memory management. Because why on Earth would Microsoft support such a basic, essential thing properly, hmm?!!

Oh and let's add HDMI to the existing list of ACPI and USB. How difficult can it possibly be to support those basic, most standardized fucking hardware protocols? Pretty fucking insanely hard apparently!!!

  • 7
    But yeah, let's do diversity hires in a post-meritocracy society. Because that's gonna improve fucking product quality so much!!!
  • 0
    > post-meritocracy

    Implying there was ever a meritocracy...
  • 1
    @tullo-x86 why wouldn't there have been? I mean, aside from CEOs' nephews that somehow magically fit all the job requirements of course. I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't be able to apply as a restaurant cook for example (I don't know jack shit about cooking), just because on paper I'm disabled or something like that.
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