
Any terminator experts here?
I want to make a setup of multiple split windows starting things on launch. I got so far that I get all the windows with the layout option but I cannot launch what I want via custom commands.
I want to launch multiple ros launch files like that.
Any ideas?

  • 3
    @irene pretty sure you won't be the only one. :p
  • 4
    My first thought was human extermination project. 😂
  • 2
    I have multiple functions in the bashrc which I use to launch things. But I cannot use them via the "custom command" option for some reason. Or rather, it complains they are not found. And if I tell terminator to first bash and then run command, nothing happenes.
  • 3
    Yes which movie are we talking about?
  • 2
    You need to first split the windows as you want it at launch.
    Then right click and go to preferences -) Layouts and select add button on bottom

    Then rename the new layout to default to set this as default layout

    Or just give it another name like aba and you can launch this layout using
    Ternimator -l aba
    -l is layout
  • 2
    @POTUS got that so far. Now I want to automatically launch stuff in the terminals. A roscore, etc.
  • 2
    You can specify custom directories and start up command for each child window also for each layout
  • 0
    Perhaps this? https://makandracards.com/makandra/...

    Also do take a look at Terminology and tmux. They both support split screen setups as well, and have some great functionalities that I didn't find in Terminator back when I still used it. Terminology IMO looks gorgeous compared to Terminator, so that's what I'm using on my laptop. Tmux on the other hand doesn't need an X environment, so that's what I often use on servers or during times when my current working device for some reason doesn't have X running (e.g. Arch installation process). And it works in any terminal emulator so there's that 🙂
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