
Every time someone posts their multi monitor setup I'm looking at my setup and be like: "Will this community accept me?"

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    is that sublime?
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    @tysa Nope, Vim
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    @meain ofc. Though can that macbook handle heavy ide's and emulations ?
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    @tysa Never really had to emulate anything, but never had any issue with ides.
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    What book do you have on the right side of your desk?
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    @iSeePixels I'm still doing my Bachelor's degree. It's college stuff
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    @meain vim for the win!
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    @tahnik Yay! 😎🙌
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    multi monitor doesn't always mean more productive, I find libraries and laptops far more productive per hour :)

    also, whys the printer wearing a towel?
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    is that i3/dwm/some other sort of window manager instead of a desktop environment?
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    @sage I use macOS, so not other window managers. I do use 'em(i3) on my another(linux) system. In here I do use tmux though!

    Btw I once tried using hammerspoon and one other method to kinda emulate tiling wm but didn't really work out.
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    @mfmbarber The printer was kinda getting dusty, I don't use it much.
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    @edisonn I don't really think it's poor productivity-wise, is just that it's not cool.
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    @meain How many lines did you squeezed into this tiny screen?
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    @hayz Well, I like small fonts apparently
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    i dont accept you with Mac xD
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    I use the same setup, I have a dual monitor desktop but I rarely use it, laptops are so much more versatile. I can work from anywhere even this cool beer bar.. Fun stuff.
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    @sergioct I do kind of regret it at times, but not so much
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    @mfmbarber do you know how much time you lose each time you press cmd/alt+tab to change window contexts? Compare that with a multimonitor environment where you only have to rotate your head slightly. 😆
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    @fergor that's a good point, but I'll counter it by saying the other monitor often contains hacker news or reddit :P
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    @fergor I use 3 finger swipe. #justsaying
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    Single screen, macOS, vim, wired headphones... No, you will never be accepted... Lol, jk. Whatever environment works best for you is all that matters.

    But seriously, if you haven't given a multi screen environment a serious try, you just don't know what you're missing.
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    I kinda prefer one screen. Easier to focus and I don't have to move my head. (Taking lazy to a whole nother level)
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    @AshMountDigger Did try once, was not a big fan!
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    @adorkable Lazy beats cool
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    We will as you may be using the flux app 😉
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    haha exactly the same setup i used for years (Y) MacBook air is actually pretty powerful. only comes to lags when you use xcode for a longer time (even without emulation) android studio is also pretty heavy to use as i remember.
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    Know the feeling. Using multiple desktops with 4 finger swipe on a 2011 MBP
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    Welcome to the single monitor community 😁
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    dude I have a fuckin c201 Chromebook running Linux through crouton. your setup is godly compared to mine lol
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    Having two monitors is super awesome, you can watch videos on one, whilst gaming on the other, all while not doing any of the programming you should be doing :)

    Seriously though, I mainly use my second monitor for other things, such as searching to fix bugs and learning new techniques I can use.
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    Of course you're accepted. Apparently, we just had to sniff around your desk and examine what book, ide, wm and headset you use. After a bark at your Mac, we wag our tails and accepts...
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    @tahnik its a vim win for both of us... I'm sorry
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    @BlueWilson <~~~ What he said
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