
Vacation without code
Food without salt

  • 3
    Try taking a break. There's so much more to do in life. You also get to appreciate programming more that way.
  • 4
    You remind me one of my friends - he just couldn't stop working...

    In the end, he got severe depression due to the fact that he couldn't enjoy family time, vacations, being outside or just doing anything non-coding related for that matter. Long story short - he had to re-learn to enjoy anything else than coding...
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    @C8-H10-N4-O2 love the name, lol
  • 0
    @potata your friend reminds me myself :D
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    @RememberMe come on ! When programming is life break is meaningless!
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    @R1100 Maybe we are friends, who knows! :D
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    @potata 😃😃
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    My girlfriend makes fun of me because I read programming books on my Kobo while chilling on the beach.
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    @potata Wow. Thanks for the wake up call.
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    @dyte if You're not being sarcastic - I'd be glad if it would be a wake up call :)
  • 1
    @potata not sarcastic. I recognize myself in it, but it's still innocent, as in that I just really enjoy my work and sometimes choose work before leasure or family time. But I can imagine it derail very easily into an unhealthy situation. Warning signs like your description are healthy for me :)
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