I am not so sure about what I am going to do after high school.

I have been working part time as a backend web developer, and I think that the experience combined with my profound interest in the subject has made me quite good for my age.
I also took part in national and international coding competitions.
I am writing all this to prove that, although I am no genius, I have a decent enough curriculum to get a job as soon as I am out.

The problem is, (please save your insults for later) I want to be a Java developer. I just love the syntax, the and the code just forms in my head better than the other languages.

Up until a few years ago I wanted to go to uni and get a 5 year degree in computer science - and I would still like to do so if it is going to help me get away from web development, and I would get lear lots of cool stuff in the mean time.

My question is: should I study computer science?
If I don't get, I could go choose engineering with computer science focus in another uni, but should I? Should I just get my job to full time and wait the next year?
Will studying in uni get me a better paying job, or some sort of tangible improvement over just working right away?

I am very interested to hear your opinions, and sorry for the long post :)

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    Well you don't want to end up being a web developer so that's one edge uni has
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    I think you'll discover a lot in higher education. Think about it this way , you haven't yet explored everything there is in CS or even an engineering course of it; so obviously there's a lot you can learn.

    My opinion : writing code is not the only thing that's important (I think it's possible to machine generate it) the ideas behind them are what are important (machines can still do it , but to design a machine to do it is something much beyond just typing code)

    Just to get an idea of what domains in CS are there.... explore University syllabi. check out MIT OCW. Don't restrict yourself to few source ... explore a lot more.
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