Why does downloadmoreram.com even exist, who's paying all the hosting charges. Why would you want to host a site that continously keeps generating complaints from their more gullible visitors.

It's all fun and frolic for peeps like us, but for the other peeps, I just don't get it!

  • 4
    They probably have a good laugh at all the complaints :P And hosting doesn't have to be expensive, you can get something basic for like 20 bucks a year.
  • 2
    I love it, it's freaking awesome. When I was taking an intro online IT course to fill credit hours, we had some really stupid and gullible students complaining about the performance of the class software. I recommended the site and said "have had any preformance since going to the site" just left out "and I didn't have any problems before hand either cause I don't code using a toaster."
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