it is all very cool bros. you do not have to worry. i will simply create a 4th account.

  • 10
    @M1sf3t this is not caused by the number of questions but the quality of the questions. If you ask several (very) bad questions those receive a negative score (very) quickly the account will get limited. So the message is not that perfectly written, but it is the political correct one ;)
  • 3
    @M1sf3t 9

    in a period of 5 years
  • 6
    So you're one of those who get -875 reputation in one question..
  • 4
    @M1sf3t questions are absolutely normal because it was back in the days when i was a normal person and not insane like now
  • 0
    I get this with 5-6 questions that all get 0-1 score, with accepted answers
  • 0
    This looks really bad. Is this because of the recent SO trolls, or your questions?
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