running windows 10 on usb 2.0

  • 4
    It's the same on a dying hdd
  • 5
    You're a masochist.
  • 3
    Kilobytes per second... Oh God oh fuck..
  • 4
    How long did it took to actually boot ?
  • 2
    I was installing visual studio
  • 2
    @Spark ~1-2 minutes
  • 2
    Well thats a nice way to fry your usb 😂
  • 0
    where's that write speed coming from? Are you downloading something? No surprise your storage device is dead
  • 1
    Seems like we are speaking about USB 1.1
  • 0
    You can boot Windows from USB? I recently replaced my Laptops HDD (Dual Boot) with an SSD and tried to boot Windows from USB afterwards... Bluescreen.
    Fedora on the other hand booted fine, not even noticable slower (HDD was really slow tho)
  • 0
    @StopMotionCuber Yes you can. Microsoft even marketed it as one of its enterprise features. As for your BSOD, might be that you installed it wrong. Windows installer will refuse to install to external media, you have to use a special "Windows To Go" installer.
  • 0
    @pauliunas @StopMotionCuber i used wintousb to install it
  • 1
    lol my dying HDD is slower than this when I just booted up and every program wants disk I/O at the same time…
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