devs I present to you the most helpful message by a Banking app

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    @M1sf3t 'sync the data' 🤣🤣🤣
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    May be your are too poor to transfer a fund 🤔
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    @lazyDev well I am poor but not poor enough to check my balance
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    @nothappy I was joking.
    And yes, banking apps suck too much.
    I don't know why those greed bankers don't invest a little to build descent apps..
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    @lazyDev I got your joke, take it easy, my reply was in humour, but it is true that I'm poor
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    @M1sf3t Because with PayPal and Amazon having direct access to the bank account or credit card and the accounts there being even easier to target (just a phishing campaign or some credential stuffing needed, most users don't bother with 2FA unless enforced), there's just no reason to hit bank accounts directly. Why would I, digital goods are way easier to move and almost impossible to track - especially with multiple resellers in the chain.

    Besides, private customers have less power than banks - they can't lobby the authorities into investigating an issue and in some jurisdictions, they are responsible for most of the security incidents anyway (Germany is a good example of that - banks can pretty much get away with anything if they blame it on the customers).
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    that is what happens when programmers really don’t care about their work... and they are forced to use technologies like asp.net that were really never really stable
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