
Do you exercise daily?

  • 2
    Everyday I consider it. I have an app that gives me workouts. But everyday I just don't.
  • 1
    5-10 minutes daily :)
  • 3
    Aiming to take 10k steps per day
    It works a few weeks then the motivation job need to be restarted.
  • 2
    I run 2km daily.
  • 3
    After 20 years of sitting on my ass and being read the riot act by my GP, I started running about a year ago. I'm 30 kilos lighter now and I've never been fitter. I wish the 50 year old me could go and knock some sense into the 20 year oldme.
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    Soon every other day, going to work on becoming more healthy, yes :)
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    I can't
  • 1
    Table tennis every day
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