
as a professional developer, do you still using w3schools.com?

  • 9
    Why not?
  • 2
    Theyve got plenty of well written compact explanations on a lotts stuff
  • 2
    Are am not using the
  • 1
    Sometimes end up there when I should be looking at MDN-documentation. Usually just leave immidiately, bacause they don't have the info I'm looking for.
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    I remember there used to be a movement against that site by some devs few years ago. Like it was the worst thing ever in the world.
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    why not? if I google something and w3schools is on the results there is no reason to avoid going there. that does not make you any less "professional" imo. it's a good website

    but if by "using" you mean going to w3schools and use the search over there. nope I don't do that with any site, unless it's a website for api documentation(or like that) that I need to learn about
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    @HoloDreamer To be fair, it is pretty bad.
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    For basic stuff only, I used both along with MDN
  • 0
    Like once every 4/6 months.

    // After more than 5 years in web development field
  • 0
    From time to time
  • 0
    When ground breaking a new language or technology? Definitely. They are very good for basics
  • 0
    I'm not a professional developer, I'm a professional Linux admin, does that count? 😅
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