
I’m so sorry! No, I do NOT have 9 years experience using this framework that has only been out for 5 years 🙃

  • 24
    And why not?

    A working year (9-5 5 days a week) consists of 2080 hours

    Where as a 12 month year consists of 8760 hours (or 4.2 working years)

    So.. 9 years of knowledge could be achieved in ~2.14 years... granted you didn’t sleep, eat, shit or even look at anything else in your life for that time period.
  • 11
    @C0D4 so it’s basically an AI
  • 6
    if you work 16hrs instead of 8 a day :-D
  • 6
    Experience amount is just something they use to scare people out.

    Try to get them to test you and prove yourself.
  • 0
    const daysRequired = 9 * 365; // 3,285
    const earthDaysSinceRelease = 5 * 365; // 1,825

    if (earthDaysSinceRelease >= daysRequired) {

    // TODO: Move to venus where one days = 273 earth days
    const venusDaysSinceRelease = earthDaysSinceRelease / 273; // ~6.7 days

    // you’re welcome
    if (venusDaysSinceRelease >= daysRequired) {
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